Carrot and sultana salad
Monday, 2nd October 2023 by Shelagh Martin
grated carrot sultana herb salad

A delicious and easy way to use carrots. Shelagh makes this for our team lunches and it went down very well at our Harvest Feast.


500g carrots, coarsely grated
a handful of sultanas or raisins
6 tbs olive oil
3 tbs white wine or cider vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard 
chopped parsley or a mix including for example coriander and dill

Chopped nuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
A spoonful or two of yogurt, vegan or dairy 



Mix everything together in a bowl, adding salt to taste. At this point  the salad can be left for a few hours or overnight,
Add the chopped nuts or seeds and yogurt (if using) just before serving

Author name: 
Shelagh Martin