Parsley and pink pickled turnip salad
Thursday, 5th January 2017 by Chen

This recipe was given to us by Kate Hopkins when she had a salad stall at our Farmers' Market. Kate came up with this delicious pickle and then turned it to an even more delicious salad. She used turnips from Sarah Green's Farm in Essex.


2lb white turnips

1 raw beetroot

a few celery leaves

2-4 cloves garlic

4 tb salt 1 1/2 pints water

1/2 pint white wine vinegar

For the salad: 

8oz pickled turnip, chopped into thin pieces

4oz flat leaf parsley, coarsely chopped

4oz red onion, finely sliced

a handful each of walnuts, roughly chopped

dried cranberries

juice of a lemon

a little olive oil (do not drown it)

salt & pepper


First make the pickle using the following method. Peel & quarter the turnips, pack into a sterile jar with celery leaves, garlic and slices of beetroot at regular intervals. Dissolve salt in water, stir in vinegar, cover turnips with the liquid and seal the jar. Store the pickle in a warm place for a week or so until mellow in flavour, then transfer to fridge/cool place.

To make the salad combine all the ingredients, reserving some of the vivid pink turnip to use as garnish (it starts to lose its pinkness when mixed with other ingredients).